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NAPFA Matters

What is NAPFA like in secondary schools?



If you do not already know, there are 6 components for NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Award/Assessment) , they are sit-ups, standing broad jumps, sit & reach, pull ups/incline pull ups, shuttle run and 2.4 km run. The reason why these 6 components are chosen is that they can effectively determine how fit a person is based on how well he can perform the 6 exercises.


The NAPFA test period begins in April and is conducted within 2 weeks. In addition, there is a re-test period for those who failed their NAPFA during the first test to have another chance, it is also for those who passed the test the first time but want to improve their results. The re-test phase is usually in July or August so that there is enough time for those who failed the first time to retry and hopefully do better.



Useful documents


FREE booklet on how to pass NAPFA / IPPT from Singapore Armed Forces


NAPFA Standards


Article on "How to get GOLD for NAPFA?"






Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the role of fitness testing in PE?

Fitness testing ensures the need for fitness in students’ life, and applying them in the context of physical activities and sports.


2. What is the role of NAPFA in PE?

NAPFA and modified NAPFA will be taken in schools. It will be covered in the Physical Health and Fitness (PHF) learning area in the PE Syllabus 2014. Students will learn about the various test batteries in the NAPFA test and how they can be used to measure and evaluate the different components of health-related fitness. Other health-related fitness assessment tools can also be covered in PHF content for educational purposes in line with Learning Outcomes in PHF. NAPFA is the assessment model adopted for the levels Primary 4 and 6; Secondary 2, 4 and 5; JC 2, Pre-U 3 or Year 6 IP.



3. If a student is unable to complete the 1.6/2.4 km run/walk within two weeks either before or after completion of the five test items, will he/she be able to just re-take the 2.4 km run/walk test?

The student will need to re-take the whole test, not just the 1.6/2.4 km run/walk test.


4. If a student fails the 1.6/2.4 km run/walk test, can he/she re-take the test item again?

Yes. The student need only redo the sixth test item but it must be within the 2 week testing period.


5. If a student fails one of the five stations, can they re-take that station only?

Students who fail one or more of the five stations are required to be re-tested in all five stations. After the completion of the tests, students cannot retake the test item that they have failed in.



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